Trust in Action

Take the first step towards creating a more trusting, collaborative, and high-performing workplace. Embrace the WBC Trust in Action course and unlock the potential for growth within your people, teams and leaders.

Great leadership and teamwork start with Trust. But Trust can be hard to earn and to keep. Despite its undeniable importance, individuals, teams, and leaders struggle to build Trust in their workplace. They find Trust a difficult concept to understand and are wary that it cannot be changed. At WBC, we recognise these challenges and have crafted a comprehensive Trust course to overcome them. Trust in Action is an immersive experience and toolkit that that propels you and your team to improved performance.

For more information on the Trust in Action course, please telephone/WhatsApp 44 754 026 9827 or email us at

Who Should Attend

The WBC Trust in Action course is not just another training module. It is a transformative experience designed to unlock the key to fostering Trust within professional relationships. The course equips participants with practical tools to build and enhance Trust within their teams and organisations. It is designed for leaders and professionals and is ideal for enhancing interpersonal skills, fostering team collaboration, and building high-performing organisations, regardless of industry or function. Whether you’re a new leader establishing Trust or a team member contributing to an open culture, this programme addresses your needs. It equips you with a foundation to navigate change, lead transformations, and enhance your impact within the team.




Course Content

Run over 2 days in the classroom, Trust in Action is an interactive programme with plenty of exercises and case studies. The course covers:

  • Why Trust matters
  • Trust and you – three critical components
  • The importance of context
  • Knowing yourself and knowing others
  • The power of revelation
  • The WBC CREST Model for building Trust
  • The Emotional Bank Account
  • What to do when things go wrong
  • Building Trust in Organisations and Teams

Classroom Delivery

We deliver the two day version of this course twice a year in London.  We also run it as an in-house programme for teams within the same company.  Train the Trainer options customised to client needs are available.

In an era where the workforce is more dynamic and diverse than ever, the ability to build and maintain Trust is a critical competitive advantage. The WBC Trust in Action course offers a unique, impactful solution to the Trust deficit faced by organisations today. By enrolling your teams in this course, you are not just investing in a training programme; you are investing in the foundation of your organisation’s future success.

Take the first step towards creating a more trusting, collaborative, and high-performing workplace.  Embrace the WBC Trust in Action course and unlock the potential for growth within your people, teams and leaders.  Let’s build a culture of Trust, together.

For more information on the Trust in Action course, please telephone/WhatsApp +44 754 026 9827 or email us at

Feedback from Participants

Did this course meet your objectives? Score: 1 = No, not at all; 10 = Yes, fully.

Score 8.6 (all in-house courses)

Would you recommend this course to your colleagues? Score: 1 = No, not at all; 10 = Yes, fully.

9.0 (all in-house courses)

Some of Our Clients